Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Man do the weekends ever move fast, am I right? We hit Starbucks, fall asleep on the couch, then next thing you know, then before you know it, it's all over. Of course there was a lot more to it than that, but it sure felt quick. 

This weekend has left me feelin' real lucky to be a dad. Just yesterday, I was asked what I love about being a dad. Deep question, right? My immediate response was about how amazing it is to see my dudes discover life as they know it... Developing their interests, figuring out what things are important to them, their skills, their dislikes, etc. It's all an awesome part of my life. Like it's seriously MIND-BLOWING. But that's not even the half of it. Having these dudes has made me realize how important it is to be a good person, and do my absolute best to demonstrate to them what it means to be a good person. To show them to follow what makes them happy, and for them to give their all and not hold back. It makes me appreciate my parents more than ever, for putting that same caring, confident nature in me, and hoping that I can do the same for my kids. 

Life moves fast, and I'm stoked to spend as much time as humanly possible watching these dudes grow in the kind, crazy, cool way they seem to be growin. 

Sometimes life is moving so fast, and you're zoomin' right along with it. But if you get a minute, ask yourself what you love most about being a parent. I dare ya :)


  1. You're making me tear up this morning, Pat! I think my favorite part is no matter how challenging the day before was...I'm always so happy to see them every morning and try again. That kind of love is just...the best.

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  3. You have a caring, confident, creative nature, Patrick. We are proud to be an influence on that, and we love you tons! Mum and Dad
