Good #SundazeVibes this weekend with the dudes in tow. We went for a run (me) / ride (Charley & Ollie in the double BOB stroller) / bike ride (Cooper) on the San Clemente beach trail. We were sure to check out potential Geocache spots along the way, and found a solid one with a killer view about a mile in!
Cooper has been ruling it on his new bike lately, and he even powered over all the uphills on his own!

We were all pretty wiped out after the trip, so we hit up one of our favorite breakfast spots in town, The Grill at Surfin' Donuts.
Cooper had his first ever Tiger Tail,
and the rest of us had our usual favorites.
and the rest of us had our usual favorites.
Radical day!
So glad that rule and make every hour an adventure!